Hello and welcome to Barriers Broken, LLC. You have reached a safe place to get individual or group guidance on having a healthy relationship. Being empathetic to your every need is first priority in my company.

About Us

Coach Samira is a certified life and relationship coach, motivational speaker and author, located in the metro Atlanta, Georgia area. She’s served in the United States Army, happily married for twenty-five years with four loving sons and one beautiful granddaughter. Coach Samira has experienced trauma in her life and many obstacles in her marriage. I’ve had many therapist to assist in helping me heal and rebuild a life that I thought was completely over. I had to make some difficult decisions and let go of the dysfunction that was adding to my misery in order to start the process of loving me. Trust me, it was hard and very unfamiliar but it was worth every moment that I had to put into me, before the reconstruction of my marriage could begin. Having done all the work that was needed, I now want to give back and share “how to” with you.

Coach Samira focuses on your hopes and dreams. She believes in your ability to have the lifestyle you desire. She’s gifted, uplifting, motivating and empowering those who are ready to overcome their largest fears. Coach Samira helps take the mask off and allow you to be happier with whom you are and take the mask off of who you’ve become. Coach Samira is the coach that will help you fight and mend your broken marriage/relationship. She coaches married couples and single individuals who desire to have a healthy relationship. Coach Samira offers one on one and group coaching sessions. She also offers workshops to assist in helping you have the greatest life possible. Coach Samira is 100% committed in working hand and hand to map out a solution specifically designed for you. Together we will break down all barriers that surrounds you and holding you back from your purpose in life.

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